PSALM 107:29

He hushes the storm to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are still. Amp.


Storm -c) a hurricane, or tempest, whirlwind. to rush upon, to toss, be sore troubled.

In Matthew 8:24-27 Jesus and the disciples are in a boat when a violent storm arose and the boat was being covered up by the waves, but Jesus was sleeping. They woke Him up and said, we are perishing. Jesus said to them “why are you so afraid?” Then He rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a perfect calm.

Many times, in our life, we have troubles that cause fear. Many times, we don’t even know we are afraid. Jesus will always come to our aid and calm the storm but He wants us to learn a lesson.

He wants us to know that no matter how rough the waves are in our life, that He is there with us and will see us through. It is the same lesson He tells me so often. If He is working all things for good in my life, then there is no reason to fear. The reason we fear is because we believe we are in danger. The disciples thought they were perishing. That was a lie.

He wanted them to see how silly that was. Jesus was asleep, at rest and in perfect peace. He knew what they would do. They needed to see that even the winds and sea obeyed Him. Up to that point, they did not know. Now after this storm He will expect them not to be afraid in the next storm.

Is it not the same with us? He is with us in our storm. We see how He comes to our aid and brings the storm to a calm and gentle whisper. The next time we are tossed about we will not be so prone to fear. We will remember what He has done for us in the past. That is how faith grows. It always needs a trial to bring it forth.

Psalm 107:30 Then the men are glad because of the calm, and He brings them to their desired haven.



3 thoughts

  1. Wow powerful and timely post.
    Commanding the storms to cease is something that we forget especially that very heated moment.
    Sometimes you need someone who can stand with you in prayer and intercession.
    Great post!


    1. He just did something really incredible for me. Then today he starts a brand new impossible thing for me to trust Him for. But I know He is talking to me through this post. I have to remember what He has done for me and know He will do it again.


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